20 easy ways to boost your productivity
Running a business can be difficult and it can be even more frustrating if you do not have a system that you follow so that you can make the whole process more simple.
Over time I have tried so many different ways to inspire my productivity when I am not in the mood to create.. In the past few years, I have found 20 different techniques that help me boost my productivity and get inspired to build my business. If you apply them, I am sure they will help you too.
I have come up with a list of 20 recommendations which you can start applying today so that you can become more productive when working on the things you love.

Always cut to the chase!
If you want to get things done, you need to jump to action straight away.
Record all your thoughts and ideas
Write it down, whatever comes into your mind, make sure to put it on that note. Even if you never take a look at that note again, it is still worth it.
Take a break every 30 to 45 minutes.
This is super important. Having breaks can increase your productivity even more so make sure to stop what you do and have a break for at least 5 minutes.
Eliminate everything that distracts you
Whatever this might be, delete it. If, for example, you get distracted by the news you read every five minutes on your phone, delete the app.
Keep your workspace well organised
Remove everything you do not need. A desk, a laptop and a notebook or iPad. Keep it simple. You do not need a fluff.
Focus on one thing at a time
For instance, I write the copy for all my posts in one day, create all the graphics in another day and schedule them in a different day. This helps me concentrate on each action as much as possible.
Stop consuming so much information
You do not need to read 1000 on a certain topic. If you find something that grabs your attention, try it and do not look for more. More is not always better.
Create routines
Routines eliminate distractions and this means more brainpower.
Donโt multitask
When you are juggling multiple things at the same time – sending an email to a client, or replying to your friend on Facebook while on a meeting, you engage in context switching. Do not waste your useful time.
Check your email twice a day
Most of us are addicted to checking our emails. I get it. This causes your dopamine to increase and this can cause a rush and therefore exhaustion. That is why you still feel tired at the end of the day. Turn off your notifications and check your email only twice a day at set times.
No smartphones during the first hour of your day
Do not let any apps or people interrupt you at the start of your day. Instead, take the time to visualise your day, enjoy your breakfast or tea, and write in your journal.
Plan your next day
In order to be more focused on the following day, take some time in the evening the day before to set four important and main goals you would like to achieve the next day. This would help you be more focused once you get up as you will already have an idea of what you have to get done today.
Keep “Thinking” to a minimum
I know this can be heard. But try not to think too much. Just try DOING instead of THINKING and you will see what will happen. If you like what you see, keep on doing it, if not, try something else.
I exercise daily and this keeps me happier and more energised. It has also been proven that daily exercises make you smarter.
Laugh as much as you can
Laughing reduces stress. And if you want to keep up your productivity, you do not want stress. Therefore, try to laugh as much as possible on a daily basis.
Do not go to meetings
Some companies have a “Meeting” Culture which for me looks like people organise meetings to just look important or just to procrastinate real work. Do not do that.
Is that really necessary?
Ask these questions to yourself as often as you can. This can help you decide which is actually important and which is not. So why waste time on unnecessary stuff?
If you have a BAD day, press reset
I know sometimes shit happens, but try to get over it and do not get yourself down about it. Take some time alone, meditate, listen to good music or just go for a walk. Try to get back on track and do not let your day go to waste.
Last, but not least. Just do the work. Stop procrastinating and start from today, start from now. I know from real experience that talking about work is easier than actually doing it. But you are different from the rest, you are a productivity beast so act like one!
Hope all those 20 tips help you become even more productive. Let me know in the comment section below whether you apply any of those and is there anything else you would add to the list.